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Home | OhioAMF
Donations are unlimited and greatly appreciated, unfortunately they are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Thank you for your generosity. DISCLAIMER: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDI...
Vaccine Exemptions | OhioAMF
Top Vote No on Issue 1 Vote no on Issue 1. Issue 1 prevents parents from being able to "interfere" with their child's "reproductive decisions" to have an abortion up to until the day of b...
Covid-19| OhioAMF
Information regarding Covid-19 mandates, masks, and vaccines.
- Resources | OhioAMF
About | OhioAMF
Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom is an Ohio Non-Profit, and seeking 501(c)(4) designation from the IRS. The organization is comprised of ordinary people - doctors, nurses, engineers, lawyers, mo...
- Elections | OhioAMF