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Films - Old Dog Documentaries
Films Old Dog Documentaries
About Us - Old Dog Documentaries - Inspiring a global community
Find more about us, Anne Macksoud and John Ankele. Two “old dogs” saddened by the suffering we see all around us and moved to take action.
Resources - Old Dog Documentaries - film production
Our resources are the documents you can use to support the success of your event if you are thinking about setting up a screening.
Take Action - Old Dog Documentaries - Films to inspire a global community
The take action pages aim to remember that we can make choices at every moment throughout our day that can contribute to a better world.
Organize Screenings with Old Dog Documentaries
Organize Screenings with Old Dog Documentaries buying the documentaries that interest you; then invite friends and family to join you.
Shop - Old Dog Documentaries
Shop Old Dog Documentaries