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About | Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
New Brunswick (Rutgers Lifelong Learning Center, 3 Rutgers Plaza, New Brunswick) or Freehold (Brookdale Community College, 3680 Route 9 South, Freehold). Please visit our Directions page for detailed...
How To Register | Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
You can register for any course (five-week or ten-week) or one day seminar online, via regular mail (complete a registration form and mail with a check made payable to Rutgers University; one check ...
Teach | Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Teach OLLI-RU instructors are a mixture of peer teachers, professors from Rutgers and nearby universities, graduate and postdoctoral students, independent scholars and community experts. Our classes d...
Locations | Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
New Brunswick courses meet on the first floor of the Rutgers Lifelong Learning Center, 3 Rutgers Plaza, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. This facility is completely accessible. Parking permission is required...
Meet Our Instructors | Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Accessibility Close Rutgers is an equal access/equal opportunity institution. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to direct suggestions, comments, or complaints concerning any ac...
Fall Courses | Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
If registering online for the first time, we encourage you to create your username and password prior to the start of online registration. Call us for assistance with creating your online username and...