Bring along your colleagues or friends to our studios and compete in your very own Game Show. The bar is open and the Game Show host is ready to challenge you in fun competitions. On Air Game Shows ar...
Game description:
Right now in Studio 3 we are hosting POINTS! POINTS! POINTS! A Game Show with rivetingly and exciting challenges that has something to offer everyone. Exactly like on the TV the...
Who will enjoy a Game Show?
A Game Show is suitable for anyone between 18 to 110 years. Everyone is active and plays the whole time, regardless of the size of the group. In the studio we focus o...
Game description:
It is easy to arrange, easy to use and easy to play. Just share the link with the participants, no downloads needed. Initially everyone gathers in the lobby to mingle and social...
Ta med kollegor eller vänner till studion och tävla i er egen Game Show. Baren håller öppet och programledaren utmanar er i roliga tävlingar. On Airs Game Show passar perfekt för företagsevent, möhipp...
Helger: Det perfekta tillfället att besöka oss
På helger öppnar vi upp för vänner som vill fira en möhippa, svensexa, födelsedag eller av vilken anledning som helst vill tävla i en...