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Popular pages
Common Core Skills and Knowledge Level 2
This course covers the Common Core Skills and Knowledge for the childcare workforce, which is the required training for anyone wishing to register on the voluntary part of the Ofsted childcare registe...
All Products - London School of Childcare Studies
Loving Boundaries Course 4.5 ...
NCFE CACHE LEVEL 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce
This unique and affordable childcare course offers nationally and internationally recognised qualifications. The course combines high standards of e learning, live online teaching (classroom optiona...
All Products - London School of Childcare Studies
Common Core Skills and Knowledge Level 2 Course ...
Child Development Level 1
This course is suitable for anyone currently working with, or intending to work with, children and young people, or anyone who wishes to increase their understanding of care for these age groups.
Loving Boundaries
This is a FREE 30 minute course designed to give you an introduction to Loving Boundaries, fostering independence and empowering toddlers in positive choice making. Upon completing this course you wil...