OPC DataHub
Minera San Cristobal (Bolivia) - Showcase mining operation uses DataHub to share data between corporate and production facilities.
OPC DataHub
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OPC Data Logging
OPC Data Logging
OPC Data Logging
Store process data in your database
Modern process integration often calls for factory data to be stored in a database, such as Access, SQL Server, Oracl...
OPC to Excel
OPC to Excel
OPC to Excel
Drag and drop real-time data into Excel
The OPC DataHub lets you drag and drop data into your spreadsheet to instantly see live updates. Save the spreadsheet and ...
OPC Tunnelling
OPC Tunnelling
Advanced OPC Tunnelling
Enabling network access to real-time data (avoiding DCOM problems)
The OPC DataHub enables you to 'tunnel' data across a network, thanks to its secu...
1.3. Connect to an OPC server
1.3. Connect to an OPC server
To connect to an OPC server, you need to configure the OPC DataHub
to act as an OPC client. Here's how:
Right click on the OPC DataHub system-tray icon and