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Prism FLippers — Optivision
Contact Us Use the form on the right to contact us. You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom r...
Accommodation cards — Optivision
Pack of 50 cards. For use to train accommodative flexibility Accommodation Rock Cards (special) To help train accommodation flexibility for far and near. The special look through window he...
Eye patches — Optivision
Pirate Patches -Pack of 10 eye patches A must in every training room. The pirate patch is an integral part of the training routine. Ideally supplied to each patient for home-based training. Ass...
CheiroField ll Unit (Functional Visual Fields) — Optivision
Cheirofield ll Instrument Multipurpose Made with an aluminium powder coated body. Robust, sturdy & stable. Features Portability (easily assembled or disassemble) It is portabl...
Loose prisms — Optivision
One prism.
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