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Popular pages
- Shop — Organic Mojo
Which Box is for Me? — Organic Mojo
Mixed, Fruit only or veg only? The first step to choosing your box is deciding what you want to eat most. We offer 100% Certified Organic: Seasonal Mixed Boxes - A selection of the best fruit AND v...
About Us — Organic Mojo
Organic Mojo was established in 2011 to meet the need for more access to healthy organic food in the local Geelong community. Organic Mojo is now owned and operated by John Walsh and Sarah Bradford,...
Organic Vegetable Box (Ongoing Weekly Delivery) — Organic Mojo
Our vegetable box is filled with 100% certified organic seasonal vegetables. Our small box is perfect for people who love cooking up a storm, want to avoid fruit sugars or are lucky enough to have...
- How it works — Organic Mojo
- Which Box is for Me? — Organic Mojo