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Centro Diffusione Origami - Associazione origamistica italiana
Diagrammi origami, calendari, Convegni, corsi, riviste, libri, carta origami, origamisti italiani.
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Diagrammi origami 17. 5. 8. 10. 11. 22. di Hideo Kumayama
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The registration or renewal made by 1 November 2023 will be valid for 2023 and allows you to download or receive all the magazines published in 2023 and be able to make purchases of paper and or...
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CDO - Corsi origami in Italia
Il gruppo “ S … PIEGARE GLI ORIGAMI“ nasce su Facebook nel Settembre del 2018 con l’intento di divulgare ed approfondire le conoscenze sull’arte degli origami cercando di mettere a disposizione di tut...
CDO - Iscriviti al Centro Diffusione Origami
Subscription is valid for a solar year, from january 1st to december 31st of the current year. Joining after the meeting (november-december) will subscribe for the next year. After onlin...