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My thoughts and actions for the Environment: Who's Responsible?
I received a very interesting question from a fellow blogger akinabalu about who's responsible of the garbage in Sembulan area. Who is respo...
My thoughts and actions for the Environment: 3R - Focus on Reduce...
I try to reduce the use of plastic bags when I go shopping. Please note the word 'reduce'. At present, perhaps it's not possible (yet) to to...
My thoughts and actions for the Environment: Oh Dear!
... I haven't been here for the longest time! There's so much to share but somehow, I have been really bad in updating this blog, huh? Befor...
My thoughts and actions for the Environment: World Wetlands Day
World Wetlands Day (WWD) is celebrated on 2 February annually. It marks the date of the signing of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February ...
My thoughts and actions for the Environment: Definitely Earth Day on a Wet-Land!
Early morning at the KK Wetland Centre was definitely WET! Around 7ish am, the wind blew and it began to rain heavily! The Mangrove Race par...
My thoughts and actions for the Environment: Earth Hour is Here Again!
Earth Hour serves as a reminder that we have the power to change our lifestyles to be kinder and more friendly towards our Earth. It may jus...