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DYN4000 E/G-Series Dynamics Plugin for Windows, Mac & Linux - OverTone DSP
The DYN4000 provides professional console grade dynamics processing for Windows, Mac and Linux Digital Audio Workstations, based on one of the world's best-known recording consoles.
RVB500 Stereo Plate Reverb Plug-In for Windows, Mac & Linux - OverTone DSP
The OverTone RVB500 stereo plate reverb plug-in for Windows, Mac and Linux provides a rich variety of plate reverb effects with intuitive controls, while being economical with CPU and system resources
PTH-2A Pultec EQH style program EQ plugin for Mac and PC - OverTone DSP
Inspired by the classic Pultec EQH equalizers, the PTH-2A plug-in provides a cost effective emulation of the signature Pultec sounds for Mac and PC