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Drug discovery, Pennsylvania Center for Drug Discovery General Summary/Overview
The Pennsylvania Center for Drug Discovery conducts research programs to accelerate drug discovery into potential therapies for improving human health.
Pennsylvania Center for Drug Discovery
provided for "About Us".
Pennsylvania Center for Drug Discovery
TM program. Many highly trained scientists with advanced academic degrees and excellent scientific credentials have been displaced in recent years. Through ForwardTrack TM, qualified senior-level re...
Pennsylvania Center for Drug Discovery
Adjunct Prof. of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Benjamin E. Blass, Ph.D. Adjunct Prof. of Medicinal Chemistry Michael N.
Drug discovery, Pennsylvania Drug Discovery Institute Links
and universities.
Drug discovery, Pennsylvania Center for Drug Discovery PCDD Faculty and Staff
Dr. Allen B. Reitz, Chair and Founding Member: Dr. Reitz is Distinguished Professor of the Institute for Hepatitis and Virus Research (IHVR). He appoints and chairs the Due Diligence teams to eva...