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History - Paiute tribe
The Paiute tribe moved into the southwestern region of Utah in about 1000 A.D. they adopted the pueblo way of growing corn and eventually the pueblo tribe moved to different regions. in the 1820's...
Shelter - Paiute tribe
The shelter that the Paiute tribe used were called wicki -ups. A wicki-up is a large shelter that is made of sticks laying on each other, and it is covered with grass and other small branches....
Location - Paiute tribe
The Paiute tribe was created on April 3, 1980 by the act of congress. Paiutes are all located in the bottom southwest corner of Utah in a dry, desert region. The paiute tribe is...
Food - Paiute tribe
The Paiute people were both hunters and gatherers. Depending on the season they would gather different plants. Some seeds and berries were found in the winter, although bulbs and roots were plentiful....
Custom - Paiute tribe
One of the more important customs of the Paiute tribe was the ghost dance. The ghost dance was created by Wovaka a southern Paiute. He had a vision, in this vision he saw the tribe be reborn and...
Current event - Paiute tribe
At the beginning of the year of 2011 the WCWCD wanted to break up these rocks to where the Paiutes say their beloved chief Toquer was buried years ago, but the Paiute people...