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October | 2011 | Pankaj Mishra
October 23, 2011
Contact | Pankaj Mishra
Contact Please contact us using the below address for any enquiries, column suggestions, criticisms, speaking opportunities or anything else.
- May | 2015 | Pankaj Mishra
About | Pankaj Mishra
About Pankaj Mishra was born in North India in 1969. He graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from the Allahabad University before completing his MA in English Literature at the Jawaharlal Nehru Unive...
Events | Pankaj Mishra
From the Ruins of Empire: A Conversation with Jeremy Paxman, Dubai, 6 March, 2014[1] A Conversation with Amit Chaudhuri, Dubai, 8 March, 2014[2] On Literature and Context: A Panel Discussion with Andr...
- August | 2012 | Pankaj Mishra