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An Addict In Our Son’s Bedroom: February 2022
WELCOME We want to welcome you to our blog. This blog is principally going to be about parenting a drug addict. However as parents of drug addicts know they take up about 85% of your time, worry and ...
An Addict In Our Son’s Bedroom: As Time Goes On
It's been over 13 years since I created this blog as an effort to learn more about addiction and find peace for myself during our son's addi...
An Addict In Our Son’s Bedroom: 2018
Sometimes I want to step away from all of this addiction stuff. My son has been clear and sober since July 2010 so what can't I just give it up and move on? How do you move on from the most traumatic ...
An Addict In Our Son’s Bedroom: A Disease
Here are a few short musings about our experience and learnings. No matter where you are in parenting or loving someone addicted to drugs th...
An Addict In Our Son’s Bedroom: 2020
Highland News-Sun. This article was published in the October 27, 2020 edition of the newspaper. I am reprinting this on here for you to see. I guess maybe my blog is still relevant. VIEWPOINTS FROM A...
An Addict In Our Son’s Bedroom: Good From Bad
Sometimes I want to step away from all of this addiction stuff. My son has been clear and sober since July 2010 so what can't I just give it...