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Participation Pool | Resources on Youth Participation & Media Literacy - Participation and
Our goal is to encourage youth participation and media literacy by being a source of trustworthy information for youth workers and youth leaders. Read more!
SALTO Participation & Information | Participation Resource Pool - SALTO
Our goal is to educate and spread knowledge about media literacy, digital transformation, promotion and outreach to encourage youth participation. Read more!
Youth Participation Toolkit - SALTO
The Youth Participation Toolkit is a practical resource to enhance the quality of participation in your activities and projects. Find out more!
8 Tips for Facilitators to Better Support and Promote Youth Participation - SALTO
If you are expecting to find a summary or a handbook ‘150 tools every participation worker should know about’, you couldn’t be more wrong! What if I told you…
Projects - SALTO
Flagship Projects CollectionThe collection of quality participation focused projects is invaluable for anyone who plans, implements…
Resource Pool - SALTO
Resource Pool Have a look around and get inspired. Find project examples, training tools and best practices to create your own projects. Just enter a keyword or…