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Passports & Pamplemousse – Epicuriosity meets Wanderlust… and all things in between…
Epicuriosity meets Wanderlust... and all things in between...
About – Passports & Pamplemousse
This is a memoir about two of the three greatest loves in my life: FOOD and TRAVEL. But not just any food. And not just any ole' travel. I was born with wanderlust. At the age of 1 I had my first pass...
Baguette de la Maison P&P – Passports & Pamplemousse
When I think of Paris, I think of roaming the romantic café-lined streets, with a baguette in one hand, and a wheel of cheese in the other, while the Tour de Eiffel imposes gently in the background to...
Red Wine Chocolate Cake – Passports & Pamplemousse
I'll admit it. The purpose of my Blog's "Epicuriosity" section is to share recipes that use ingredients and spices inspired by distant places and memorable travels. This cake is from no where yet eve...
innsbruck – Passports & Pamplemousse
Posts about innsbruck written by passportsandpamplemousse
Sweet Potato Carrot Soup – Passports & Pamplemousse
For a not-so-handsome little vegetable, the humble sweet potato is actually a powerhouse of nutritional goodness, packed with vitamins, potassium, magnesium, carotenoids, iron and other goodies. Combi...