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Lodge and Camps – The Patagonian BaseCamp
BaseCamp – Rio Palena The location of our BaseCamp Lodge was chosen specifically to showcase the beauty of the area to the utmost. The lodge itself has become not only our, but also many fishermen’s s...
Programs – The Patagonian BaseCamp
Programs To enjoy the immense diversity in the waters and fishing to the maximum, we offer different programs with different durations. All programs start and end at BaseCamp. Depending on the program...
TempleCamp – The Patagonian BaseCamp
TempleCamp – Rio Figueroa At the edge of the dense forest on the banks of the raging Río Figueroa, just below “El Diablo”, we built a unique and comfortable camp with spacious igloo-shaped tents. The ...
The Waters and the Fish – The Patagonian BaseCamp
The Waters and the Fish Being blessed with innumerable rivers, creeks, lakes and lagoons, our fishing options are almost unlimited. Trout, both browns and rainbows, are not stocked and have found thei...
Río Figueroa and Lago Verde – The Patagonian BaseCamp
Río Figueroa and Lago Verde The “Fig” connects the regions most important lakes, Lago Verde and Lago Rosselot and is one of the most beautiful rivers of all of Patagonia. On this river we float three ...
EscondidoCamp – The Patagonian BaseCamp
EscondidoCamp – Lago Verde Over the past eight years we have acquired a pretty vast amount of property connecting Lago Verde to a hidden lake called Laguna Escondida. The two lakes are connected by th...