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News and Updates | PBGworks
Join eOrganic for a webinar about breeding organic dry peas and lentils for the southeastern US by Dr. Dil Thavarajah of Clemson University. The webinar takes place on October 20, 2022, at 11AM Pacifi...
About the PBG Community of Practice | PBGworks
Develop content in the form of articles, images, videos, online trainings, and more Be a reviewer for content Serve as a responder for eXtension's Ask an Expert system. Become a group leader to help g...
Groups | PBGworks
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eXtension Publishing | PBGworks
Skip to Navigation eXtension Publishing PBG members create articles, faqs, webinars, and videos for the eXtension public website at We also answer que...
Skip to Navigation Welcome PBGworks is the home of the Plant Breeding and Genomics Community of Practice (PBG CoP) with eXtension. To learn more about eXtension and find our published resources visit ...