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peace. love. & good food.
Saturday, August 10, 2019 I hope everyone had a great week! We are over here soaking up the last few weeks of Summer. Routine is nice, but I'm just not ready for the busy-ness that Fall and back to s...
peace. love. & good food.: Caramelized Brussels Sprouts + Bacon
Caramelized Brussels Sprouts + Bacon If you've never caramelized brussels sprouts, do it and you'll never go back. These leafy green bite-sized veggies are on all the trendy menus right now and alw...
peace. love. & good food.: DIY: Ceiling Medallion Wall Art
I pinned this lovely picture awhile ago and it's been appearing in my crafting dreams me ever since. I love calming, neutral color schemes w...
peace. love. & good food.: Friday Faves
Friday Faves I hope that everyone had the best week! We have a relaxing Spring weekend ahead and I can't wait. Here are some favorites from around the web lately... These Whole Grain Peanut Butter ...
peace. love. & good food.: Back in Business + A House Update!
Back in Business + A House Update! It's back to business around here and it feels so good. We spend all of July and most of August in transition mode as we waited to close on and move into our house...
peace. love. & good food.: Sparkling Cranberries
I kicked off my Thanksgiving week prep by testing the recipe for these sugared cranberries. Our cocktail glasses will be filled with the...