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Gender and Women, Peace and Security | UN Peacemaker
Gender and Women, Peace and Security Mediation strategies that systematically include women, and civil society more broadly, are more likely to generate broad ownership and support for a negotiated se...
UN Peacemaker
Map Disclaimer The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Sudan-South Sudan. Final boundary between the...
About UN Peacemaker | UN Peacemaker
About UN Peacemaker United Nations (UN) Peacemaker is an online mediation support tool developed by the Mediation Support Unit (MSU) in the Policy and Mediation Division of the UN Department of Politi...
Mediation Resources Overview | UN Peacemaker
Mediation Resources Overview The resources section of UN Peacemaker aims to provide actors involved in peace processes and the negotiation of peace agreements with key knowledge material to support th...
Peacemaking Mandate | UN Peacemaker
Peacemaking Mandate Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations provides that 'The parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and...
Mediation Library Overview | UN Peacemaker
Mediation Library Overview UN Peacemaker’s library provides reference material on specific thematic and process issues that often arise during mediation processes. The library includes a sel...