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Penny Details
Penny Details The composition of the penny is 97.5% zinc and 2.5 % copper. According to the U.S. Treasury, a circulating coin (e.g., penny, nickel, dime) lasts nearly 30 years. (See also coin producti...
A Brief History of the U.S. Cent
A Brief History of the U.S. Cent The one-cent coin, commonly known as the penny, was the first currency of any type authorized by the United States, and for over two centuries, the penny’s design has ...
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions Q&A Why does the penny cost so much to make? The question of penny cost really comes down to how the Mint accounts for its overhead costs. In FY 2011, the Mint began allocat...
Penny and Charity
Penny and Charity Many corporations, national charities, schools, and local philanthropies have realized the worth of the penny. Through the use of point-of-sale collections, penny drives, and competi...
Penny and the Economy
Penny and the Economy Consumers benefit with a low denomination coin. Moreover, faith in the strength of the economy and the nation is tied to perceptions about the currency system, and public accepta...
Penny Profitability: What Does it Really Cost to Make a Penny?
Penny Profitability: What Does it Really Cost to Make a Penny? Penny Profitability: What Does it Really Cost to Make a Penny? Recent reports about penny costs have led some to ask if the government wo...