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Help with us - People in Need
People in Need is a Czech non-governmental, non-profit organization active all over the world. 'For over 20 years, we have been helping people in emergencies.
About Us - People in Need
For 25 years PIN focuses on humanitarian aid, human rights, education and helps people living in social exclusion in 30 countries. We are part of Alliance2015.
What we do - People in Need
People in Need provides immediate aid to people in need in the event of natural disaster or wartime crisis. We also focus on long-term support for people...
Latest news from our work at home and abroad - People in Need
Read the latest news about our help in the Czech Republic and around the world: in the field of humanitarian and development aid, social work and education.
Nepal - People in Need
In April 2015,Nepal was hit by the most destructive earthquake in 80 years.People in Need has been helping since then to deal with aftermath of this earthquake.
Who We Are - People in Need
We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization based on the ideas of humanism, freedom, equality and solidarity.