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Peril of Faerun | Obsidian Portal
Reddit Forum Out of Character Rules Dungeons and Dragons 5e Basic Rules Players Handbook (basic rules) Dungeon Master’s Guide (basic rules) Setting Info
Peril of Faerun | Items | Obsidian Portal
Obsidian Portal enables you to create campaign websites for tabletop roleplaying games. Better manage your group and your campaign, and have a better game.
Main Page | Peril of Faerun | Obsidian Portal
Party Inventory - XP Sources - Current Events/Quests A wizard named Lorne of Neverwinter is searching for the hand of Vecna, and two of the liches that were
Dragonspear (Town) | Peril of Faerun | Obsidian Portal
More of a decent sized town than a city but its inhabitants insist it’s an up and coming city (Established only 15 years ago). Trade comes in and out of the city
XP Sources | Peril of Faerun | Obsidian Portal
Totals 11190 XP Aeofel 11200 XP Artemis 11850 XP Daria 11766 XP Neridia 8986 XP Rildo 12181 XP Ti’seer Attack by dock people 330 XP Aeofel, Artemis, Da
Peril of Faerun | Adventure Log | Obsidian Portal
Having convinced the beholder (spectator) to keep hobgoblins and basilisks from entering Daggerford from a secret tunnel, the party went to meet Hector and Dagonet at the Order. Some convincing later,...