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About Us - Pet Fish Place
We put the most commonly searched info front and center on all our content. Our articles are short, succinct, and right to the point. Lets keep fish fun.
How to clean driftwood for an aquarium - Pet Fish Place
How to prepare store bought and local driftwood for your aquarium. Tap Water Myth - White Fuzz - PH - Tannins - Recommended tools - Everything that you need...
Aquarium Dimensions, Sizes, and Weights - Pet Fish Place
Are you looking into an aquarium or perhaps a new one and want to know the dimensions? I'll explain all the different fish tanks that are available and their various sizes so that you can make an info...
Types of Aquarium Driftwood - Pet Fish Place
Aquarium driftwood creates a natural beauty to any aquarium. But there are many different types of driftwood available on the market and it can get...
Choosing the Right Type of Fish Tank - Pet Fish Place
Fish tanks can come in a wide variety having various sizes, shapes, and materials used to construct. Depending on what your goals are for your aquarium you’ll...
Betta Fish - Care Requirements - Profile - Pet Fish Name
Betta Fish are very easy to care for and are generally considered the perfect pet fish for children. Also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, this...