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P.G Section – Fakir Chand College
This is for information of all concerned that a fresh drive to fill up the below given vacancies in different Subject/Courses will be held on 28/12/2021. Candidates from the CU Merit Lists who have op...
Admission – P.G Section
RULES AND REGULATIONS The admission will be cancelled if the student is found absent a) continuously for 30 days at the beginning of the session, b) continuously for 30 days during session without pro...
Admission 2021-22: Phase-VII – P.G Section
Admission 2021-22: Phase-VII The following candidates (Part-A & B) who have submitted documents for verification have been selected provisionally for admission in the indicated subject. All are instru...
Enrollment – P.G Section
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Admission 2021-22: Fresh call after Phase-VI – P.G Section
Admission 2021-22: Fresh call after Phase-VI This is for information of all concerned that a fresh drive to fill up the below given vacancies in different Subject/Courses will be held on 28/12/2021. C...
Admission procedure: 2022 – P.G Section
2. Then click on “APPLY NOW” & do your registration. you get login id & password by SMS and email. 3. Then click on “EXISTING APPLICANT LOGIN” & enter your ID/password and upload your documents. 4. Th...