Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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PG Mad Blog: “Tanpin Kanri” is the next “Kaizen”!
“Tanpin Kanri” is the next “Kaizen”! Does this spell the death of Retail Category Management as we know it?! Highlight s : Tanpin ...
PG Mad Blog: Unifying Machine Learning to create breakthrough perspectives
Machine Learning – a unifying perspective & new paths PG Madhavan, Ph.D. Chairman, Syzen Analytics, Inc., Seattle, WA, USA pg...
PG Mad Blog: “IA not AI” in Retail Commerce – Enhanced Tanpin Kanri
Highlight s : Enhanced Tanpin Kanri is a specific example of Intelligence Augmentation. Store staff's local knowledge and engagement ...
PG Mad Blog: Emergent Marketing: A New Force in Social Commerce
Dr. PG Madhavan was CTO Software Solutions at Symphony Teleca Corp. Previously, he was the CTO & VP Engineering for Solavei LLC and the A...
PG Mad Blog: Startup Pains & Pleasures #3 - Workplace Creativity
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PG Mad Blog: Predictive Analytics – Where from and where to?
Dr. PG Madhavan developed his expertise in analytics as an EECS Professor, Computational Neuroscience researcher, Bell Labs MTS, Microso...