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Philip Keirstead
Search [1] Home[2] District 12 Auditions[3] ...
Spotsylvania All-County Middle School Honor Choir — Philip Keirstead
Congratulations on being chosen for the Spotsylvania All-County Chorus! I am honored and excited to be conducting this group, especially since I am a graduate of Brooke Point High School in neighbori...
Prince William All-County — Philip Keirstead
To stream the practice tracks, find the song below. The "Master" track for each song has all of the parts equally loud. The individual tracks have your part louder than others. If you are on a por...
District 4 Middle School — Philip Keirstead
District 4 Middle School Congratulations on being accepted into the District 4 Middle School Honor Choir! You can stream your practice tracks through the album on the right or you can download all of...
Mobile Music — Philip Keirstead
Search [1] Home[2] District 12...
District 9 Middle School Honor Choir — Philip Keirstead
District 9 Middle School Honor Choir Use the media player to the right to stream the practice tracks to your computer or mobile device. Or you can use the links below to download all the tracks to yo...