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Stand Out From The Crowd Use these tips and resources to learn about the college admissions process and to show colleges who you really are by crafting an essay, resume, and application that pack a pu...
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Scoring higher on the Accuplacer means that you can skip remedial classes (courses offered to students to increase their skills in math or reading before moving on to regular college courses). While r...
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About Us We connect you to the resources and programs that will help you take your education to the next level. Unique Visitors Per Year Our Work From help with scholarships and financial aid, prepari...
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Making the Most of your High School Years Many students think that the college application process starts during their junior year, but colleges will be looking at your entire high school transcript. ...
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Exploring a postsecondary degree? When you picture the “traditional” college student, you might think of someone who has just graduated from high school. But 40% of American college students are adult...
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