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Phil Tulga - Music through the Curriculum
Welcome to! At this site, Phil shares his videos, web activities, and information on his programs for elementary schools: Moving in Rhythm, Musical Math and Math and Mariachi. ...
Reading Rhythms - Counting Music by Phil and David Tulga
How to read music — How to read rhythms — How to count music Reading Rhythms - Counting Music - how music is measured and counted - Welcome to our page on Reading Rhythms and Counting Music. It i...
Thunderstorm Stopwatch by David Tulga
Discontinued Page Thunderstorm Stopwatch Use your math skills to estimate the distance of a thunderstorm. Since light travels much faster than sound you will see the lightning before you hear the th...
Building and Playing Pan Pipes by Phil & Sarah Tulga
Homemade Musical Instruments Pan Pipes Pan Flute panflute zampona syrinx antara paixiao Panpipes If you're interested in building a pan flute, or a set of pan pipes, this is the ...
"Encouraging Your Child To Read" by Phil Tulga
Encouraging Your Child To Read Encouraging your child to read more at home is really quite simple. Try the Four Quick Tips listed below to help your child become a successful reader. Al...
Peter and the Wolf Introduction by Phil Tulga
Peter and the Wolf Welcome to my introduction on Peter and the Wolf. It includes:1) background on Prokofiev [pruh-COFFEE-ehf], 2) musical themes for each character, 3) multimedia activities tha...