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doberman pizza. a baha'i blog. creating a new baha'i marriage culture.
by Raelee Peirce The following article appeared in the September 2006 issue of the Baha'i Parenting Newsletter, available at The author, Rael...
doberman pizza. misc. ottawa baha'i youth slang glossary.
alpha-male person who takes charge in a group; leader, either in thought or (as is often the case) in action. "Everyone just stands around chatting after CABS meeting...
doberman pizza. scrapbooks. ottawa.
3 December, 2004 Surrounded by a gang of goofy Bahá'í friends, Andisheh celebrated her (??)th birthday at the famous Saffron Restaurant ...
doberman pizza. scrapbooks. ottawa. dr. ghadirian's lecture.
14 January, 2005 Dr. Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian came to Ottawa on 14 January, 2005 -- and, with his busy schedule, he blessed us with an engrossing and illumin...
doberman pizza. scrapbook.
scrapbook I like scrapbooks and photo albums, and I like sharing photos with people (as you've probably guessed). This page gathers together several different sets of...
doberman pizza. misc. tock.
Moving All players must keep five cards in their hands at all times, and one card must be played or discarded at every turn. Play proceeds clockwise around the board (except when ...