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Useful web sites to help you present figures, numbers, tables and graphs clearly
Useful web sites to help you present figures, numbers, tables and graphs that are clear and accurate
How to present figures, numbers, tables and graphs
Plain Figures is a consulting and training company that can teach you how to present and display figures, numbers, tables and graphs clearly
How to present figures, numbers, tables and graphs
A Plain Figures approach promotes accurate interpretation and makes graphs more interesting
Understanding statistical data and financial data
Plain Figures is a method of transforming statistical data and financial data into figures, tables and graphs that people readily understand
When not to use a bar chart
Plain Figures is a consulting and training company that can teach you how to present and display figures, numbers, bar charts, tables and graphs clearly
How to present complex numerical information
Sally Bigwood became interested in how to present complex information while working in local government preparing reports for the public