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OGERA - PlanetRomeo Foundation
Organization for Gender Empowerment and Rights Advocacy (OGERA) aims to create awareness on health and human rights of lesbian, bisexual and trans* (LBT) women, women who have sex with women (WSW), an...
Donate to PlanetRomeo Foundation
Your donation helps to support brave, emerging LGBTI community projects where it's needed most. You can make a donation starting at €1.
PlanetRomeo Foundation » Disclaimer
Disclaimer PlanetRomeo Foundation is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained with...
PlanetRomeo Foundation » The board
Pieter Brokx, Renate Hartman, Niels Kattenberg, Karen Kraan, Nori Spauwen and Jan Bouwens The Management Board takes care of the Foundation’s ongoing activities, like fundraising, reviewing and granti...
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PlanetRomeo Foundation » News
May 26, 2016 The second review cycle of 2016 resulted in 5 newly funded projects: Association of Russian-Speaking Intersex People (ARSI), OGERA in Uganda, Solace Brothers Foundation in Ghana, Humanity...