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Population 485!!: Summaries for Chapter 3 & 4! 11/22/2010
Chapter 3 1. This chapter is about the town in specific the name and how the town is set up. Perry talks about this history of the town, li...
Population 485!!: Chapters 1 &2 Summary
Chapter 1 is about the author reconnecting with his old hometown. After being away for almost two decades, he's come back to New Auburn, WI....
Population 485!!: Discussion Questions Chapter 7 & 8
1. Why is Perry embarassed to be in the parade? Perry doesn't want to be in the parade because he doesn't like being displayed, or put in th...
Population 485!!: Chapters 3&4 Discussion Questions 11/22/2010
1. Why do you think Perry included the story about how New Auburn got its name? Because he is connected to the town, and wanted to include ...
Population 485!!: Chapters 5-6 Discussion Leader Questions
CHAPTER 5-6 Discussion Leader Questions Q: Why is the “fire tetrahedron” important to the firefighters? What were some things they had to ...
Population 485!!: Discussion Chapter 1&2 11/19/2010
What do we know so far about Mike Perry? Mike Perry has a degree in nursing which he puts toward being a volunteer firefighter in New Aubur...