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What is porphyria - British Porphyria Association
What is porphyria What is porphyria? Porphyria is pronounced similarly all over Europe, but the spelling varies considerably: porfiria, porfyrier, porfyria and porphiria. The porphyrias are a group of...
Testing and diagnosis - British Porphyria Association
Testing and screening to get an accurate diagnosis of porphyria is essential to enable the correct treatment options for patients.
Living with porphyria - British Porphyria Association
Living with porphyria Living with porphyria Depending on the type of porphyria a patient has there are many precautions that can be taken to ensure life can be lived to its full potential safely and w...
Diet and sleep advice - British Porphyria Association
Healthy diet and sleep regimes can help all patients with porphyria: guidance on alcohol, sickness, nausea, constipation, meditation, sleep
The porphyrias - British Porphyria Association
Porphyria is the name of a group of disorders. Porphyrins build up and affect the skin (cutaneous porphyrias) or the nervous system (acute porphyrias).
Who we are - British Porphyria Association
Who we are The British Porphyria Association (BPA) is a national charity for people with porphyria. It was established in 1999 and became a registered charity in 2001. Until 2015 the BPA was run solel...