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Pasture Gates
Pasture Gates All gates are 4' tall with 4"x4" 6 gauge galvanized wire at the bottom. Please click on the images below to view the specifications and record the part # to request a quote through our "...
Hog, Sheep and Goat Panels
Hog, Sheep, Goat Panels
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Please contact us for a Distributor/Dealer nearest you. We will be happy to answer questions about our product. Texas Best Panels, Inc.
Portable Panels
Portable Panels Portable Panels Panels are constructed of 1 1/4" pipe frame and 3/4" or 7/8" rails. They have 8 rails total and have "U" shaped legs to prevent sinking. 5'x10' panel average weight i...
Continuous Fencing
Continuous Fencing We provide you with three sizes of this newest way to put up a fence. All three sizes come in 20' lengths. The sections of 5 rail 4 upright braces come in 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2" and 2...
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