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The American Legion
Greetings from the Commander We appreciate you stopping by our website. If you are just “surfing”, we hope that you find value in our information and the service we provide...
The American Legion
Who is William M. Randolph? A native of Austin, Texas, Captain William Millican Randolph attended Texas A&M before entering the Army in 1916. Following pilot training at Kelly Field, he...
Our Monthly Newsletter and Calendar of Events
Our Monthly Newsletter and Calendar of Events for Post 593, Converse TX.
Post Everlasting Ceremony at Post 593 Converse TX
William M. Randolph, Post 593, Converse, TX conducts a Post Everlasting Ceremony on July 2nd, 2008. This ceremony is conducted to remember our members who have passed away.
The American Legion
(May close later due to business) Our Post Newsletter
The American Legion
(May close later due to business) Archive Page