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Alkaline by Power XP | Full Line of Alkaline Batteries | AAA, AA, C, D, 9V
Powerhouse Two’s brand Power XP is a full line of AAA, AA, C, D, and 9V’s designed for long lasting performance and quick recovery. This chemistry is also available with your Private Label upon reques...
Power Supplies, Chargers and AC/DC Adapters | Built to Custom Specs
Whether you need specific certifications for US or global markets, or have demanding specifications for performance and efficiency your current suppliers cannot meet, Powerhouse Two will find the righ...
About | Powerhouse Two, Inc. | Battery Development & Supply Company
Powerhouse Two has been building millions of cells, battery packs, and device AC/DC adapters each year. Focused on alkaline products, the demand for rechargeable chemistries has catapulted Powerhouse ...
Alkaline Batteries by Power XP | PH2 | Alkaline Battery Distributor
If Battery A lasts as long as Battery B and costs less, what color does the label have to be? (Hint: It doesn’t matter) Thousands of industrial and medical device manufacturers worldwide have discove...
Lithium Batteries & Packs | Design & Development by Powerhouse Two Inc
Using engineering teams that actually build lithium batteries and packs, we work with your team to develop the perfect solution, then guide you through the maze of certifications, packaging demands, t...
Custom Alkaline Battery Packs | Powerhouse Two Battery Company
For many years, alkaline batteries have been hard at work behind the scenes, disguised as multiple cell battery packs. Wrapped in tight shrink wrap with wiring and various connectors, they have been p...