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Сover band, live band POZITIV-BAND Ukraine, Kyiv
⚡POZITIV-BAND⚡ a stylish cover band for a ✔parties ✔gigs✔ ✔wedding ✔corporate. We work in all countries. The best music performanse from music cover group.
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Professional music group POZITIV-BAND⚡ - Party artists on corporate ✅ celebration✅ birhday party✅ wedding✅ Dance music. Vocalists Kiev Ukraine Ukraine Order
Wedding cover band, live music Kyiv - POZITIV-BAND
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Technical rider group POZITIV-BAND Kiev, Ukraine order
Technical rider cover band ⚡POZITIV-BAND⚡. Watch and download. ✅ Organization of performances ✅ Sound and light equipment rental Ukraine, World. Live sound
Кавер Бенд POZITIV-BAND - кращий бенд в Києві
Склад групи ⚡POZITIV-BAND⚡ 8 років з вами. Сотні концертів і сольних виступів в десятках міст і країн. Краще звучання в Україні
You can order musicians in cafe - live band POZITIV-BAND
Live music in a pub or restaurant - pop band ⚡POZITIV-BAND⚡ works in Kyiv and throughout Ukraine. Technical support, excellent rider, variable repertoire.