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PIC Programmer Software
PP06 PIC Programmer Software PP06 is an open-source Production programmer for Microchip's PIC micros. Specifically designed for use in factory in-circuit programming, and development of master/sl...
PP06 Multi PIC Programmer (DOS) Version 1.22 HTML Help Dump
-hw [hw#] -hardware 1 : 7407/4066 1 channel Prototype Programmer -hardware 2 : 7406/PNP 1 channel Prototype Programmer -hardware 3 : 7407/PNP 1 channel Prototype Programmer -hardware 4 : BEL ...
Dual Pic Programmer
Full Production Program & Verify In-Circuit for our own master-slave telemetry product . If you are an electronics manufacturer who need to program and customise PIC devices in-circuit, ie after ...
PP06 Linux Pic Programmer Software
Console Version The console version is PPLIN. It is built using the free Borland Kylix3 C Builder. All versions use the same sources, platform specific code is in separate files. I/O Ports & Address...
Dual Pic Programmer: Production (3 Level) Programming
Note that earlier devices specified VERIFY at VDDMAX, which was 6V. Recent PIC's have VCC_MAX=5.5V, and you need to change VDD_HI. Note that later flash PIC's don't specify...
Dual Pic Programmer: LVP low voltage progamming
LVP Circuit (ie after mods to both channels) Standard (VPP) Circuit (ie before mods) PCB Overlay Decide which channels to modify. Add a 2k2 resistor from pin7 (LVP) o...