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Blow Molded Plastic Reels – PreferPack
Blow Molded Plastic Reels Molded plastic reels are heavy duty and highly durable yet lightweight, ideal for storing or shipping cable, chain, rope, banding along with many other products. The ...
Stock Plastic Reels – PreferPack
Stock Plastic Reels 877-284-7752
Cardboard Spools & Reels – PreferPack
Cardboard Spools & Reels DIY Spool & Reel Kits Save Money! Our corrugated cardboard reels and spools are a cost-effective alternative to wood, metal and plastic reels and spools. We can also supply o...
Consider Heavy Duty Bubble Wrap for Shipping – PreferPack
Bubble wrap is one of the most durable and versatile packaging materials. Due to it being an excellent insulator against impacts, along with being lightweight and cost-effective, bubble wrap has been ...
Thermoform Products Offer Great Advantages for Packaging – PreferPack
Thermoforming is the process of heating a plastic sheet, or film, to where it is soft and pliable, yet still a solid. Then, the heated plastic sheet is placed on a form to take the specific designed s...
Packaging for Shipping: Choose the Right Materials – PreferPack
25% of brand loyal consumers hesitate in their purchasing decisions if packaging is damaged. – Brand Packaging Magazine A key factor in developing a brand’s trust and healthy sales is choosing the ri...