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Professor Frithjof Kuhnen: Forschungsschwerpunkt: Ausländische Landwirtschaft
Professor Frithjof Kuhnen: Forschungsschwerpunkt: Ausländische Landwirtschaft
Main Research Subjects Prof. F. Kuhnen
Rural Employment Problems, Multiple Employment Manpower and Educational Planning Industralisation of Rural Areas
Systems of Land Tenure
Man and Land: An introduction into the problems of agrarian structure and agrarian reform by Prof. F. Kuhnen
The Concept of integrated Rural Development
The Concept of integrated Rural Development by Prof. F. Kuhnen
List of Publications by Prof. F. Kuhnen
Professsor Frithjof Kuhnen
Publications as HTML and PDF-File by Prof. F. Kuhnen
in: Agricultural adaption processes in newly industrialized Countries. International Seminar in Seoul/Korea 15-20. September 1980, KREI/DSE/IAAE, DSE DOK 1104...