About National Parent Teacher Association | National PTA
Discover National PTA's mission statement, member benefits, and read about PTA in the news. Learn how leadership and governance function at the national level, and meet our proud sponsors and partners...
eLearning - Run Your PTA | National PTA
These online courses will help refine PTA leadership skills and roles. Start with the basics and progress in courses customized for PTA presidents, secretaries, treasurers, membership, advocacy and al...
Programs | National PTA
Take advantage of National PTA programs for school improvement, arts education, literacy, science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM), and find resources about bullying and promoting health...
Family Resources | National PTA
Guides, publications and materials to help build a learning environment at home, in your community and at school for your children. Learn about the immense impact that family involvement can have upon...
Mission Statement & Values - About PTA | National PTA
PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. Collaboration, commitment, diversity, respect and accountab...
Why Parents Need PTA - Join | National PTA
The number one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association is to benefit your child. The PTA’s nationwide network provides parents with the tools to collectively influence the decisions that affect ...