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Investigating Lyme Disease and Chronic Illness
Role of C3a and C4a Complement Proteins in Chronic Lyme Disease - Public Health Alert
Readers of this publication are well aware of the controversies surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. When the disease is missed in its early, easier-to-treat stage, it goes on to.....
"Palsy of the Gut" and Other GI Manifestations of Lyme and Associated Diseases - Public Health Alert
Bell's palsy signifies paralysis of facial muscles related to inflammation of the associated seventh Cranial Nerve. Physicians may not realize that this syndrome is caused by the spirochetal...
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the CD-57 Test but Were Too Sick to Ask - Public Health
From coast to coast, frustrations abound among patients and clinicians regarding the diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease. Misinformed health care providers in Texas and surrounding states consider the.....
Neurotoxin Overload: Full Body Detox Guide - Public Health Alert
Detoxification can be an important method to support the patient during their healing crisis. As with many autoimmune cases, there are many factors. Neurotoxin overload is a common problem that...
Interview: Stephen Buhner, Lyme Treatment Update - Public Health Alert
Stephen Harrod Buhner was a keynote speaker at the "Lyme and Other Chronic Infections as the Underlying Cause of Chronic Illness" conference hosted by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD in Bellevue,...