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Random Musings
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Algorithms: 2. The Fibonacci Sequence | Random Musings
Introduction # The Fibonacci sequence is probably one of the best know number sequences, with each number in the sequence being the sum of the two numbers that precede it, with 0 and 1 normally being ...
Blog | Random Musings
Introduction # A doubly linked list is the same as a linked list, execept that now each item is linked to both the next one and the previous one. So if you have a linked list with the following items ...
Algorithms: 6. Quick Sort | Random Musings
Introduction # The Quick Sort algorithm uses what is known as a divide and conquor technique. It revolves around the idea of choosing a particular element in the array and then doing what is called pi...
Algorithms: 3. Bubble Sort | Random Musings
Introduction # There are many different ways of sorting an array. One the simplest ways is the bubble sort. Essentially you start at the beginning of the array and compare element i with element i + 1...
Data Structures: 1. Stack | Random Musings
Introduction # The stack is one of the simplest data structures and one that is easy to image from every day life. If you have a stack of dishes, you normally add to the top of the stack and when you ...