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Qubed Studios: Where No Cube Has Ever Gone Before.
Note that this Website is old and frozen in time. Welcome to Qubed Studios. This site is home to Metroid Cubed and many others Nintendo-inspired demo...
Download Toad's Tool 64 Beta v0.5.994, the Super Mario 64 Level Editor
Toad's Tool 64 is the first and only graphically oriented Super Mario 64 level editor. You can take a look at a video demonstration on YouTube. TT64 is ...
Super Mario 64 ROM Editing Tools
Super Mario 64 ROM Extender 1.3b This tool will create a decompressed version of the Super Mario 64 ROM using the ROM you provide. It takes the MIO0 c...
Peach's Castle Flying Demo
Click and drag mouse on the scene to rotate the camera and flying direction Click the little green house to reset the camera position and rotation Note: It may be ...
Super Mario Bros Cubed Demo
Super Mario Bros. Cubed Demo Very early (and old) demo of what a voxelized Super Mario Cubed could become. I'm thinking of using a voxel engine similar to the Metro...
100's Marios (SMB RPG)
100's Marios (SMB RPG) One of the early Shockwave demo I published on the web, circa 2001. One of my first experiment in programming 3d stuff. It was in...