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How to access alt text on Twitter (for people who aren’t used to doing so) | by Ártemis López
I tweet often about alt text for images and gifs, how important it is for accessibility, and how truly simple it is to add it into platforms like Twitter. However, while adding it is pretty…
The steps I personally followed to make my website more accessible (Part 1 of ??) | by Ártemis López
Some of the steps that I, a total website noob, took to make my website more accessible.
Puré de remolacha, boniato y cacahuetes | by Ártemis López | Medium
Este mes he oído demasiadas veces que a la gente no le gusta la remolacha (¡hasta en la frutería!) y no puede ser, así que os traigo una de mis recetas favoritas para que la probéis. Esta receta mola…
- Medium
Ártemis López – Medium
Read writing from Ártemis López on Medium. Every day, Ártemis López and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.