Quintrix - Football
Quintrix develops and provides courses and training for the top echelons in the field of professional football. Illustrious coaches, managers and referees attended Quintrix worksho...
Quintrix - Consultancy
Quintrix is the ideal partner for companies, which are dealing with
organisational development. Our consultancy and development programmes
lead management ...
Quintrix - Football - Coach course
Pro Coach Course
Quintrix president Ton van Rhoon was over 17 years the management, leadership and communication teacher for the KNVB's (Royal Dutch Football Association) Professional Footb...
Quintrix - About us
About us
We believe that an organisation's greatest asset is its people. Whether you work in business, the public sector, in arts or in sports, it always takes people to make the difference. At least...
Quintrix - Training - Media training
Media training
CEOs, administrators, top specialists from public and private sectors,
as well as well-known football players, coaches and referees, have taken
Quintrix - Football - Network
Professional Football Managers Network
In 1999, the Professional Football Managers Network was established by former students of the Professional Football Management Course under the superv...