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Supporting smokers to stop smoking | Help giving up smoking | QUIT
Stopping smoking and giving up smoking with Quit. Quit provide tools and information to help smokers stop smoking and young people to never start.
Lets QUIT | Supporting smokers to stop smoking | Help giving up smoking | QUIT
Disclaimer QUIT endeavours to ensure the content of this website is accurate and up to date but does not accept any liability for error or omission. QUIT is not a medical organisation and provides inf...
Want To Quit | Supporting smokers to stop smoking | Help giving up smoking | QUIT
What You’re Saying “Since quitting I don’t smell of cigarette smoke any more, my children are happy and I feel so much healthier” Sue Dargan, Greater Manchester MOTIVATION Stopping smoking is not easy...
Lung Health | Supporting smokers to stop smoking | Help giving up smoking | QUIT
Lung Health Ever run out of puff halfway up the stairs? Found yourself wheezing when you really meant to laugh? Coughed up phlegm when you don’t even have a cold? If you smoke, chances are you can ans...
About Quit | Supporting smokers to stop smoking | Help giving up smoking | QUIT
Our Mission Statement To significantly reduce unnecessary suffering and death from smoking related diseases, and aim towards a smoke free UK future. To provide practical help, advice and support by tr...
We've QUIT | Supporting smokers to stop smoking | Help giving up smoking | QUIT
We’ve QUIT There are over 12 million ex-smokers in the UK. If they can do it so can you! Many smokers need more than one attempt before they stop completely but each time they learn more about themsel...