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Quit Squad | Quit for your Health
Quit for your mind... People with mental health problems are much more likely to smoke than the general population, smoke more heavily and die on average 10 to 20 years earlier than those who don't ex...
Quit Squad | Quit for Us apps
It gives you expert help and guidance that you can access 24/7, whenever you need it
Quit Squad | Why Quit
... one in two smokers will die of a smoking related disease. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. It causes cancer, breathing, heart and circulation problems. Smoking reduces fertility an...
Quit Squad | SmokeFree Homes & Cars
Protect your family, friends and pets from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke and reduce the risk of fire in your home, by making your home SmokeFree. Secondhand smoke can linger around your hous...
Quit Squad | How to Quit
Download these Stop smoking products Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a way of continuing to give your body nicotine without the harmful effects of smoking or chewing tobacco. NRT works by gradu...
Quit Squad | Quit in Pregnancy
Stopping smoking in pregnancy ... will help both your baby and you immediately. Carbon Monoxide clears from your body in 48 hours, increasing the amount of oxygen your baby gets. You will also: reduce...